TCR World and life

4 AUSTRALIA Thestory behindasuccess WITH A BRILLIANT MAIDEN SEASON, TCR HAS LEFT ITS MARK DOWN UNDER In terms of national TCR championships, the highlight of 2019 was undoubtedly TCR Australia. From a blank sheet of paper, the series delivered seven thrilling race weekends and no end of dramas. In addition, TCR Australia saw easily the most diverse entry list of any TCR series, with ten brands represented on the grid, including Renault, Subaru, Holden and Alfa Romeo. It was always going to be a challenge for TCR to succeed in Australia, which already had the Supercars Championship operating as motorsport’s number one local category. But while many fans and media tried to make comparisons between the two Touring Car classes, TCR Australia organisers simply got on with business, ending the season with a 23-strong field that featured ten different car brands.