Page 8 - Dallara Magazine

Andrea Pontremoli
Is there any place for phrases like
solidarity” and “the common good” in
today's industrial world?
Increasingly so, thanks primarily to the
concept of inter-territorial competition that
I mentioned earlier. Companies must go
beyond the standard, and strive to achieve
more than their industrial goals. Companies
that think in these terms have an eye on
the future, but those who do not will not be
around much longer».
What opportunities can motorsports offer
young people, engineers and specialized
mechanics who are looking for work?
The sector’s position at the forefront of
technology and innovation means that
there are virtually no limits to the
opportunities it is able to offer. Motorsports
is first and foremost a results driven
business, and this encourages youngsters to
think in terms of merit rather than
justifications. Young people have become
too used to making excuses: “I couldn’t
come to school because….”, “I couldn’t do
it because….”. We have to re-establish a
results-based culture».
Oxfordshire in England versus Motor Valley
in Italy: competition or collaboration?
These two areas, which represent the birth
places of world motorsports, are in direct
competition for the control of a global
market. Oxfordshire was the first to
visualize and develop motorsports as an
industry. But we have inventiveness and a
capacity to react on our side. The winner
will be the one that manages to attract the
emerging nations such as India, China and
How important is Dallara’s American
experience in terms of growth?
It’s important because it enables us to
draw on the American motorsports
mentality, where entertainment is
paramount, and the customers are those
who pay for the tickets, in contrast to
Europe, where everything revolves around
the technology and the customer is the
driver. Another important factor is what we